Project management is a responsibility that I associate it with a multitasking controlled by a Gantt chart . It is a personal blog so I will avoid definitions as job description,kpi's or other clichés that sometimes seem inaccessible and too complicated than they actually are.
Therefore, from this experience I can say that project management means management of resources that have as main features prioritization, sequences of tasks that must be completed to a point limit scenarios of what happens when one or more tasks or performs certain resources not according to estimates, in a word, flexibility .
People ... Although many companies say that people come first and this generally happens rarely. How important are the people, so a project? It depends on the complexity of the project and the role each of them in the project ... I learned that to give maximum efficiency, a person should be both competency and also given the task enthusiastic on the task given. So if things are simple tasks are repeated. But human nature tells us that a repetition of long, rather lead to a cap and a loss of interest. Therefore the job of a project manager, in addition to macro coordination of resources should go down as much as possible and on a human level.
Fortunately people are different , and some require more attention in terms of interaction, ex encouragement repeated positive feedback or motivational , and others less, the latter being "move" rather a possible promotion, either mention the context of a project or a company in general. In conclusion, people are different and all people are the most important resources for both multinationals and large projects, involving large numbers of people. A competent and enthusiastic team will always have above-average results and will be more easily coordinated by a project manager.
Synchronizing resources - Here I paraphrase cologvial difference between "home expense that does not match that of the fair." Always plan, do some risk management every resource you need and put in front of the darkest scenario where priority resources to fulfill the project. I think that This shows the ability of a project manager. It should be very relaxed, close and optimistic when it comes to interaction with the team and pessimistic when it comes to resources that may have high volatility. From project to project, they can be different and because of this I believe that the best way to keep things under control is an ongoing assessment of their status , not just when it comes to online deal sites, it can be unpleasant surprises. Things here should be very well organized, must stabilitii responsible executives so that everyone knows what to do and everyone knows exactly their status and whether they are ok on planning or if you have to push, especially to know where to push.
Outsourced resources - Here we are talking primarily of contracts and a know-how that a partner company must have. Companies outsource certain tasks, responsibilities, on the one hand financial reasons and on the other hand for extra competence and professionalism. This would be ideal to have a history of collaboration, so you know exactly which are the pluses, what are the minuses and what should be improved from project to project, so both the company outsourced, and us to have always learned to not to repeat the mistakes and therefore to ease our work from project to project.
This article will be completed and continuously improved.
Articolul in limba romana
Managementul de proiect este o responsabilitate pe care as asocia-o cu un multitasking controlat de o diagrama Gantt. Fiind un blog personal, o sa evit definitiile corporatiste, job description-ul sau alte clisee care par uneori inaccesibile si prea complicate decat sunt in realitate.
Prin urmare, din experienta avuta pot spune ca managementul de proiect inseamna un management de resurse, care sa aiba ca principale caracteristici prioritizari, succesiuni de task-uri care trebuiesc finalizate pana la un punct limita, scenarii legate de ceea ce se intampla in cazul in care unul sau mai multe task-uri sau anumite resurse nu performeaza conform estimarilor, intr-un cuvant flexibilitate.
Oamenii... Desi foarte multe companii spun ca oamenii sunt pe primul loc si acest lucru se intampla in general mai rar. Cat de importanti sunt oamenii, asadar intr-un proiect? Depinde de complexitatea proiectului si de rolul fiecaruia dintre ei in cadrul proiectului...Am invatat ca pentru a da randament maxim, o persoana ar trebui sa fie in acelasi timp competenta pe task-ul dat si totodata entuziasta pe task-ul dat. Lucrurile sunt simple asadar daca task-urile se repeta. Insa natura umana ne spune ca o repetitie de lunga durata, duce mai degraba la o plafonare si o pierdere a interesului. De aceea treaba unui manager de proiect, pe langa coordonarea macro a resurselor ar trebui sa coboare pe cat se poate si la nivel uman.
Din fericire oamenii sunt diferiti, iar unii au nevoie de mai multa atentie in ceea ce priveste interactiunea, ex incurajari repetate, feedback pozitiv sau motivational, iar altii mai putin, cei din urma fiind "miscati" mai degraba de o posibila promovare, fie ca vorbim de contextul unui proiect sau a unei companii in general. In concluzie, oamenii sunt diferiti si tot oamenii sunt cele mai importante resurse atat pentru companiile multinationale cat si pentru proiectele mari, care implica un numar mare de oameni. O echipa competenta si entuziasta va avea intotdeauna rezultate peste medie si va fi mult mai usor de coordonat de catre un manager de proiect.
Sincronizarea resurselor - Aici as parafraza cologvial diferenta dintre "socoteala de acasa care nu se potriveste cu cea din targ". Intotdeauna planifici, faci un anumit management al riscului pe fiecare resursa de care ai nevoie si pui in fata scenariul cel mai sumbru in cazul resurselor prioritare indeplinirii proiectului. Consider ca aici se vede abilitatea unui manager de proiect. Acesta ar trebui sa fie foarte degajat, apropiat si optimist atunci cand vine vorba de interactiunea cu echipa si pesimist atunci cand vine vorba de resurse ce pot avea o volatilitate mare. De la proiect la proiect, acestea pot diferi si din aceasta cauza consider ca cea mai buna metoda de a tine lucrurile sub control este o verificare permanenta a statusului acestora, nu doar atunci cand vine vorba de deal line-uri, cand surprizele pot fi neplacute. Aici lucrurile ar trebui sa fie foarte bine organizate, trebuiesc stabilitii responsabili, executanti astfel incat fiecare sa stie ce are de facut si fiecare sa stie exact statusul si daca sunt ok pe planificare sau daca trebuie push, dar mai ales sa stie unde trebuie push.
Resurse externalizate - Aici vorbim in primul rand de contracte si de un know how pe care o firma partenera trebuie sa o aiba. Companiile externalizeaza anumite task-uri, responsabilitati, pe de o parte din considerente financiare, iar pe de alta parte pentru un plus de competenta si de profesionalism. Aici ar fi ideal sa existe un istoric de colaborare, astfel incat sa stim exact care sunt plusurile, care sunt minusurile si ce trebuie imbunatatit de la proiect la proiect, astfel incat atat compania externalizata, cat si noi sa avem mereu de invatat, pentru a nu repeta greseli si prin urmare pentru a ne usura munca de la proiect la proiect.
Acest articol urmeaza a fi completat si in permanenta imbunatatit.
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